Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tooth Fairy

About 6 weeks ago, Jacob had a loose tooth and asked Lola to pull it out for him. He put it under his pillow and the next morning the tooth fairy had come and left him $1 and bubble gum (sugarless of course!). He was able to pay tithing for the first time since that's the first money he's "made" so I taught him how to do it and that he should give it to the Bishop, etc. Fast forward to the other day when he discovered another loose tooth...

"Mom, do you know what happens when Lola pulls this tooth out for me? I put it under my pillow and the tooth fairy brings me bubble gum and Tithing!"

1 comment:

Kaylynne said...

Oh Robert would be so jealous. He is so ready to lose his first tooth. He checks everyday for a loose tooth.