Wednesday, August 31, 2011

School Days

Me: Hey Abby, how was school today?

Abby: REALLY great.

Me: Why?

Abby: Because we found out that the gingerbread man is REAL!

Jacob: No he isn't, it's just Mr Taylor in a costume!

Abby: No! He isn't big, he's kinda little!

Jacob: Well, then he's just a kid in a costume!

Abby: No! Because he doesn't have any hair... just crumbs!

Jacob: Well, then he's just a kid in a crumby costume!

Abby: Mom, we had a fire drill today. But it wasn't real, it was just for practice. If there was a real fire we would just run around the room screaming.

Still later...
Abby: We got to watch a movie today on that paper tv that you pull down from the ceiling with a string. We should get a paper tv someday.

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