Sunday, September 14, 2008


All day Wednesday the news reports were saying hurricane Ike would hit Corpus Christi as a category 3-4 and because it was so huge, we would be getting hurricane force winds and rain. Unfortunately, I had to run to the store that day to buy diapers... BIG MISTAKE! The place was a madhouse, people were buying as much bread, canned food, water and beer (yes, that goes fast before a big storm around here) as they could get their hands on! There was hardly anything on the shelves... makes me VERY glad I'm trying to heed the Prophets voice on the whole food storage thing.

I cut my lawn really short (so it wouldn't be too wet to cut later) hoping it would green up nicely with all the rain (it took me three hours, the grass was LONG!). I was hoping I would finally see a cool storm from a relatively safe distance... I don't want to be somewhere really dangerous in a hurricane but it would be cool to have an idea of what it's all about.

Yesterday was hot, sunny and HUMID! Not even a drop of rain
:( . What a huge disappointment!

Of course, I'm very grateful we aren't part of the 4 million without power in the Galveston - Houston areas. It's still too hot and humid to not have air conditioning! We have several thousand evacuees now staying in shelters around San Antonio, they don't know how their homes fared and can't go back to see yet. They are at the mercy of shelters, food banks and generous people for their survival right now, I've never been there (not sure I want to) but it sure makes me grateful for what I have.

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