Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Funny Thing

The kids have been watching VeggieTales lately and in the end Bob the Tomato says something like "remember God made you special and He loves you". Well, Jacob has his own spin on that... he told Abigail "I'm special, do you know what that means? It means someone who gets treats."

He went to the dentist for the first time ever today. He did great, the dentist let him watch with a mirror, try out the "spit vacuum", feel the drill bit on his finger(they needed to "tickle" some "bugs" out of his tooth), he even showed him how the curing light makes your cheek glow in the dark. Anyway, on the way out he said "Mom, don't they give you candy for being good?" I took him out for lunch instead. Later, Fred said "Jacob, I heard you did great at the dentist today!" to which Jacob replied "You heard me all the way at the dentist?!?"

The other day, Abigail introduced me to our home teacher "This is my friend, Mommy"... man, I love my kids!

I've become my mother in a new way... Isabelle's goat needed a blanket to stay warm on cool nights. So we went to the feed store and when I found out I had to shell out 35 bucks I went straight to the fabric store and made one. Next thing I know, Isabelle's taking orders at school and I'm now in the sewing business! I'll bet none of you EVER expected ME to be doing that!!! Me either...


Rusty & Georgia Henrichsen said...

Good post! Great to hear that your are Abigail's friend.



AnneMarie said...

Wow! Best of luck (or whatever it takes) on the sewing stuff!

I love your stories about your little ones--it makes me wish we lived closer together!