Monday, October 20, 2008

Roller Coaster Ride!

Not the fun kind... we lost more in that stock market fiasco than Fred made his whole first year at Motorola! That's okay though, this way we're buying REAL cheap shares and besides... we know there's more to it all than money. I know there are people that are very nervous, scared, uneasy about the whole thing but I know it'll all turn out okay. And, if we don't recover from this financial crisis, our kids can just take care of us in our retirement!

The REALLY great news is that Abigail is potty trained, only one in diapers now woohoo!!! She just decided one day that she wanted to wear panties and has only had three accidents in 2 weeks. I expected her to be HARD, (like she'd be in diapers until she was 20) but she's been the easiest one yet. I can't believe how much longer the diapers are lasting now!

Mikkel has his mission papers almost finished, next he'll have an interview with the Bishop, Stake President and then they'll push the "send" button. After that, we should have his call in the mail about two weeks later. We're all wondering if he'll be sent to one of the places where they announced the five new temples. It seems like once they announce a new temple suddenly tons of missionaries start going there.

Jacob was in the primary program at church. He was quite the clown, hardly sang, mostly made faces and waved at everyone he knows. Then, at the end he stood up on his toes and put his arms out with his fingers in the peace sign (think Richard Nixon) and opened his mouth and eyes as far as he could. Needless to say, no one in our family could be reverent the whole time, Isabelle was in tears she was laughing so hard (quietly, at least) and the rest of us were near the same. It wasn't one of the more spiritually moving experiences, definitely one for the memory book though.


Georgia Fish Henrichsen said...

I wish we had been there for Jacob's "performance". Papa would have had to leave the chapel I'm sure. Love you! Lola

Rusty & Georgia Henrichsen said...

Well, it's not good to hold back. Tell Jacob to always play it like it feels.
