Friday, May 1, 2009


We went to Costco today and in the parking lot we saw a man. He wasn't just your average man... he was totally buffed - huge! Like he could squish me with two fingers big! He was wearing a tank top and walking into the liquor store (in Texas they can only sell wine and beer in regular stores so even Costco has it's own liquor store). He was also covered in tattoos. So Abigail looks at him and says "you colored all over yourself, you shouldn't do that."

I was mortified!

He just smiled and laughed and kept walking.


Miss M said...

That is GREAT!! Good for her. I can imagine you were mortified. I would have paid money to see that. Way to go Abigail

AnneMarie said...

Kids--you gotta love 'em!!

AnneMarie said...

I forgot to say that this post made me laugh out loud!!!

(Gary says Abby is probably right)