Thursday, February 11, 2010

Questions and Cows.

Jacob - "Mommy, can we walk on the outside of the planet that we live on, (you know, Earth)!
Abby - "Mom, why don't I dream in chocolate?"

Why don't I get the simple straightforward questions like "where do babies come from?" kind of questions???

On a "side-note" Isabelle is competing in the calf-scramble in the rodeo tonight. There are 24 kids and 12 calves. They let the calves go and the kids run for it... if you catch a calf and can put a harness around it's neck, you win! Well, you actually win money towards a breeding animal. If she wins, she's hoping to "buy" a dairy cow, (you can make a deal with the breeder to keep it at their place if you don't have space, etc). If she can get a dairy cow, we'll have fresh milk anytime she goes and milks it (she plans on at least once a week) and when it's time to show and sell it, hopefully she'll make quite a profit! Personally, I'm just hoping for fresh milk.

I remember going to my aunt's home to get fresh milk and let me tell you, nothing comes close! I don't really like to drink milk these days partly because it just doesn't have that sweet "fresh from the cow" taste...

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