Friday, December 17, 2010

Jacob's Christmas Shopping List

Here is Jacob's shopping list for Christmas:


AnneMarie said...

You have to turn them before you post them in blogspot. I would fix them then re-add them to the post.

I can't read the first two lines of Jacob's list, but the rest made me chuckle. I love how his list is the longest!

Nanette said...

I did turn it before I put it in but apparently it didn't work when I placed it in blogspot :( I'll have to try again later...

The first line says Addy (Abby) - housis (horses)
The next line says Daene Moe (Daniel's nickname is Danny Moe) - Boo Boo (their word for blanket, he wants a green one).

AnneMarie said...

Did you turn it and save it? sometimes I forget to save before I leave the program.

If Jacob is shopping for dogs & horses, you better get a bigger yard!

AnneMarie said...

Yay it worked!

Nanette said...

Fred did something to fix it. It was more complicated than just turning it... something about the wrong kind of file, etc. Anyway, yes, it's fixed and I turned the waterfall picture too!

Rusty & Georgia Henrichsen said...

Looks like Jacob is big into war machines. Well, he is about seven so it stands to reason.
