Wednesday, December 22, 2010

And Jack Handey is His Hero...

While trying to organize, I came across a project Mikkel had to do his senior year in high school. He had to talk about his future plans, give himself advice, talk about something he's learned and give advice to freshmen.

Here are some of the things he wrote (this is word for word, without any corrections for grammar or punctuation):

I plan on getting married to the woman I will spend the rest of my life with. This has always been something I have wanted, since before I even liked girls. I knew I would get married to one so it's only natural that I would include one in my future plans.

If I could give advice to any freshman it would be this, STOP MAKING OUT IN FRONT OF THE WORLD!! This really seems to be a problem here, these people seem to kiss more than they do talk to that person. I guess that's all fine and dandy if that's all you want, but please, spare me, leave that sort of stuff to the privacy of your houses, cars or anywhere else that is semi-private. I love my girlfriend and kissing her is never a bad experience but not in public.

Running from your problems does not help at all. It may seem easier to run for now, but sooner or later, you will get tired, and then they will catch right back up, that's when things get bad.

If I could give myself advice five years from now, I would say that while preparing for the future, don't forget to live in the moment sometimes, because in the future, you won't have anything to look back on.

1 comment:

Nanette said...

Wonderful unintentional humor.