Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Day 3

8:30am - Here's our finished product! The snow was nice for skiing... very powdery... not so good for snowmen. It took a while and a few tries to get it done.
The kids with our snowman. Yep, he's tiny... Hey, this is Texas - we only got about 1/2 inch sticking on the ground!
Here are all the kids from the cul-de-sac who braved the early hour and came out to play. Some of the kids actually slept in on this snow day (my original plan - thwarted )
Duchess came out again... didn't like the cold, slippery snow at all.
But she warmed up to it - sort of.
No picture here, but at nine-ish Fred came home because at about 6:20 (after he checked for meeting changes and left for work), the meeting was rescheduled for another day. Isabelle promptly hit him with snowballs.

1 comment:

Rusty & Georgia Henrichsen said...

Those of us who grew up in Utah with weekly, or sometimes daily, snow that it would be such an experience for the rest of the world. People here in Johannesburg have no idea what snow is. It gets cold enough in the winter to snow, but the winter is the dry season. such a small chance for snow here.

