Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Day 2

6am - Fred leaves for work (having checked to see if his big meeting had been rescheduled... no, it hadn't)

7am - the kids are up, dressed, fed... we go out to play! Daniel isn't so sure about this cold. I'm thinking he'll be one of those people who lives in the tropics all his life.

The goat comes out for a walk... she needs some exercise after being stuck in a pen in the garage for 3 days of sub-freezing temps.

Daniel still isn't so sure about the cold, but trying to have a good attitude about it all...

8am - The girls decide to build a snowman. We have to pull out the shovel (just a regular garden shovel... we don't have snow gear here) and pile up snow so they can get enough to do it.

1 comment:

Just US said...

I love Daniel's hat! We have the same one! Well, we have a few of the same one because I liked it so much :)