Sunday, August 24, 2008


I know I posted three things in like 2 days... sorry. I'll try to use moderation from now on!

Sunday is a hard day for me; I wrestle (sometimes quite literally) with the three little ones all during Sacrament Meeting, then with Daniel during Sunday School and finally I get to listen in Relief Society (except on the fourth Sunday-Fred teaches Priesthood that day) only to find out that I'm too tired to pay attention! Then at home the kids are restless, messy, grumpy, ALWAYS hungry and unwilling to help pick up the mess they made all day. Mikkel and Isabelle are usually helpful but they've both had to work Sundays lately. By the time Monday comes, I need a break and the ones who can give me that break are starting school tomorrow.

Mikkel works at H-E-B (a grocery store) and Isabelle lifeguards at our neighborhood pool. She will be done working at the end of September so at least there's a light at the end of that tunnel but Mikkel has requested Sundays off with no luck so far. Both companies have at least been willing to schedule around church and Mikkel gets Wednesday nights off for Missionary Prep. class, so we're grateful for that.

Yes, that's right... Mikkel is getting ready to put in his papers for a mission call. He can't send them in until October 11, but he has started the process. He's gone to the dentist (has a few cavities to fill) and has an appointment with the dr. for a physical (fun, fun!). He's also decided to get a passport, just in case. He's going to school at the community college and only taking 3 classes so he can concentrate on working ALOT. He's been amazing, only giving himself a $10 per week allowance, putting a small amount into a ROTH IRA (wow, I wish I'd been that smart when I was his age) and paying tithing. Everything else goes straight into the savings account, (which lately has been alot; he's had lots of hours). I can't believe the change we've seen in him in the last 6-8 months! Of course, it's still nearly impossible to get him to mow the lawn or clean the kitchen... I guess he's normal after all!

Isabelle got a goat for her FFA/Ag. program at school so she's going to be VERY busy this year. Here's her schedule starting tomorrow...
5:00 wake up, practice piano
5:45 seminary
6:30 swim practice
8:30 walk, clean, feed goat
9:00 - 4:00 school
4:15 walk, clean, feed goat
5:30 homework
6:30 dinner (or mutual, on Tuesdays)
7:00 homework, chores (or mutual)
9:00 bed (coach says they must be in bed before the 10:00 news!)

I don't know when we'll see her... maybe on Sundays - starting in October, that is!

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