Monday, November 10, 2008

Aaaaagh! Part Two

Just found out he cut Daniel's hair too. By the way, the sunshine crackers are a box of cornbread crackers that should last a week or two (if eaten in normal serving sizes).

AnneMarie commented on my last post that she's just agreed to help me out and watch my sweet children in January. I can only say that he usually goes in spurts so hopefully he'll have this out of his system by then. Also, preschool is two days a week so that helps to preserve sanity.

Daniel has decided he likes to play with the computer and somehow keeps changing settings and I think he even downloaded some software. We've been toying with the idea of re-doing the game room to make it harder for the kids to cause problems with the computers, now I think it's becoming a necessity!

I have to say that I've enjoyed reading your comments on the last post... they made ME laugh out loud! I also know that someday I'll look back and miss these days but I have to wonder if it will ever happen. that just seems so far away!!!

By the way, Mikkel sent his mission papers in today. I'll definitely post the news when he gets his call.

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