Monday, November 17, 2008

Emotional Day

Yesterday was emotional... Isabelle sang one of my favorite hymns in church and Mikkel was ordained an Elder. Those kinds of days always kill me because it makes me miss my Mom. I should be over it by now, she died 7 years ago! I usually am but it's those big days in my life (and in the lives of my children) that the emotion comes rushing back.

Later I was at an enrichment board meeting and mentioned I wouldn't be able to help out at the January class. When asked why, I started to cry because I'm still emotional about having surgery. Of course the sympathy started and I appreciate that but I felt like a fool it was just a meeting for pete's sake! Plus, I don't like to make it all about me (I know you're all laughing at that but it really is true!)

To top it all off I was reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and it's so sad! Okay, it's not sad, it's totally inspirational but it's so sad that he had to leave so young and with such a young family. His story is such an amazing one. So, of course I started bawling again... today I have a headache I wonder why?!?!?

Today was much less emotional, just your usual Monday, thank goodness! I did get to take a nap though, I'm saving up for Thursday night when we're going to see Twilight!!! We're going to the midnight showing and can't wait to see it. Thursday is Isabelle's birthday so that's what she's getting as a gift. I'm taking her out for dessert before we go to the theater and we're meeting up with a bunch of moms and girls from our ward. It will be fun - late - but fun!

Last week, Jacob and Abigail figured out that they could pull a chair over, get the key and unlock my bedroom door (we have to keep all the doors locked so they can't - well, couldn't - get into everyone's stuff) so they got in and totally ransacked the bathroom until they found the little flashlight Fred has and started to play with it. I found out what they were doing, got upset (they know better) and put them in their beds for time out. Of course, everything was better once we all cooled down, they apologized and they helped me clean up the mess, etc. When Fred came home he asked Abigail how she was doing and she told him "I bad. I bad Abby". I don't know where she got that from, I've never told them they were bad. You'll hear her say "be still" or "that's not okay" and I know she gets those from me but never that! We thought it was hilarious no matter where she got it. Oh, by the way, Fred and I immediately assured her that she's not bad and that we love her very much.

Oh, Abigail got her hair cut and it's so cute! We had to cut off 6 inches (thanks to Jacob's little stunt) and the part he cut is still 2 inches shorter than the rest. I wasn't willing to cut it to the middle of her ear... so we'll just keep trimming it until that part grows out. Actually, the haircut really suits her, she hated having her long hair brushed and now it's fast and less painful (fewer tangles!) plus it just looks like an Abby haircut!


Susie Taylor said...

Pictures??? We need to see a picture of the haircut!

AnneMarie said...

I agree!

Georgia Fish Henrichsen said...

Isn't it wonderful being a mom! What a very special calling and Oh my, the blessings that we recieve! Such joy! One of my favorite scriptures 3John4!!!
Sure love you! You are a fabulous mom. Your mother IS very pleased!!

Tamela said...

Hey Nanette, I just found your blog (linked from AM's) and I'm enjoying seeing your pics and catching up on your life. I had to drop a quick comment here about missing your mom... you said it's been 7 years already and you should be over it? Go easy on yourself. My father's been gone for 15 years and I'm not over it. You learn to manage it, but it doesn't go away. But you know what else? Your mom is with you in spirit, every day. I know it. Tamela